Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Behold the Lamb of God: A True Tale of the Coming of Christ

If you have never heard Andrew Peterson's Behold the Lamb cd I highly recommend you get it. It is the story of the coming of Christ building up from the Old Testament to the New with the coming of Christ. If you have the cd but have never been to the Behold the Lamb concert I highly recommend going to that next year. This year was my third year and it is such a good reminder that the Bible is one story of one Hero, one Prince, one Lover rescuing His treasure and His bride. In the words of the Jesus Storybook Bible (also highly recommended) that "It takes the whole Bible to tell this story. And at the center of the Story there is a baby. Every story in the Bible whispers His name."

"Gather round ye children come and listen to the old, old story of the power of death undone by an infant born of glory…Son of God, Son of Man. And sing out with joy for the brave little boy, who was God but He made Himself nothing. He gave up His pride and He came here to die like a man."

Friday, December 11, 2009

Favorite Fridays

Favorite Fridays is something I'm going to try out :)

Favorite Brother-In-Law/Older Brother

Today's favorite is my brother-in-law, Alex. Alex graduates tomorrow so, in honor of his graduation he's todays favorite. It's hard to remember a time before Alex. In fact, it's hard to remember a Bethany without Alex. He has been around for almost as long as we've lived in Alabama. Alex and Bethany courted for about 6 years (I think) before they were engaged. They both modeled what a godly relationship looks like for my younger siblings and I. Alex is as much a brother to me as Jameson. Growing up I wanted an older brother and am very grateful that the Lord brought Bethany and Alex together so early so that we could reap the benefits of having him around.
Recently we all went to Rainbow City, where they live and Alex is the Youth Pastor at Rainbow City Pres., and we got to hear Alex preach his first sermon (in big church) and he of course rocked it. Alex has always been someone I have looked up to and respected. So thanks Alex for your godly example and love for my sister. I could not have picked someone better for Bethany or someone that would fit better with our family. Thanks Alex. Happy Graduation Day!

Easter 2008 (I think) at Alex's families house:

Their Wedding:

One of my favorite families:

Catch Up

I can not believe it is already the 2nd week in December. Time is flying. I am officially done with half of my classes and have an exam and a project due next week. Then I will be done for the semester! What a relief! Several things are up in the air as far as living arrangements next semester so I'm just waiting and praying for the Lord to lead and provide. However, until then I will be moving most of my stuff back home. I am excited about this because it means I finally get the chance to make the spare room into my room! Right now it is being used for storage and had random things from my sisters and my childhood. Also at some point over the break Joy Beth Smith will be returning to Alabama and Meghan, Tori and I are eagerly awaiting her arrival!
This weekend is going to be insanely busy. I am going to be helping out at a retreat for Alberta Baptist and my family is coming to town to see my brother-in-law graduate. Hopefully I will have time to study a little between bouncing back and forth between these two events.
I have never been much of a cook, however I have decided to change that. Last week I went over to my cousin KJ's house and his wife, Lynn, and I made chili and cookies. We had so much fun we decided to do it again this week. Last night we made Chicken Parmesan and might I say, it was delicious. I never really realized I enjoyed cooking but I must admit both nights it was lots of fun.
Well, I'm out. Later!