Friday, June 25, 2010

Eclipse, Burger King, Lost remotes, LOST and Alias...just a few thoughts

As anyone who is friends with me on facebook, or up-to-date in world today the third installment of the Twilight Saga: Eclipse premiered yesterday. We were very excited about this as E! covered it and had live interviews on the red carpet. Joy Beth went and got a camera for her computer so we could skype during it. We had it all ready to set up, Joy Beth on one computer and we'd hook up another computer to the tv so that we could all three see and watch the eonline live coverage of the red carpet. Our internet has been going in and out for a few days now so I woke up early(ish) and called Comcast. WELL. After being on the phone with them quite a while...twice....and after someone came out to "fix it"...AND after plugging up a new wireless router it still didn't work well enough to watch a live stream or to skype. So we decided to go somewhere else. We opted on a Starbucks figuring there wouldn't be a lot of people there on a Thursday. We were wrong. However, it was doable. I'm sure we were quite a site. We were at two little round tables- pulled together- with a computer on each. On one computer we had Joy Beth on Skype- though we couldn't see her- and on the other we had the live stream. We thought it might be rude to have the Skype going loud so Tori had headphones on that and we had a splitter in the computer with the stream so there were three pairs of headphones. Meghan and I also had JB on the phone. 
So Burger King is Eclipsed out right now. They have Eclipse "toys" in the kids meals, Eclipse cups, Eclipse bags, Eclipse games. It's pretty fun. We went in tonight and were really excited. He handed me a Jacob cup but I, of course, had to get another. After we had ordered we decided to get a large fry cause it has the game pieces on it and the guy just gave us one. We won a free whooper off of it.

Another fun thing happened tonight. Since we've been here our remote hasn't turned the volume up on the TV. Tonight Tori found a random remote. She tried it out and it turns down our tv! You dont know how great it is! We dont mind getting up and down, but watching Alias and Lost means just about every other scene is some quite talking and the next will be loud explosions and smoke monsters.

Speaking of Lost and Alias...Terry O'Quinn is in both Lost and Alias. They are both shows created by JJ Abrams and actors in his shows are often in others. Anywho, Terry plays this FBI(except he's not really FBI he's some covert something) Director named Kendal. In Lost he plays one of the main characters, John Locke, as well as Brother- the smoke monster. 
So on Lost Locke- the real one, not the monster in the later seasons- was obsessed with the idea of destiny. On the show he and Jack, the protagonist of the show, flesh out the ideas of faith and science or destiny and free will. The other day we were watching Alias and Director Kendal said, "Sydney, maybe this is your destiny." I did a double take to see if Lost was on cause of course it sounded just like Locke. I think the similarities between these two shows are interesting. Well Lost is on and it's super fun watching this in retrospect. 

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